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Planned Pack Meetings for 2022-2023
Cub Scouting is very easygoing by nature; we are not jealous of other activities. There are no mandatory events. Every event is simply an opportunity for fun and development. Nobody attends everything, and most events are amenable to coming late or leaving early.  Schedule subject to change

September: Pack Campfire/Campout
October:  Pack Camp Fire/ Campout 
October: Birch Meadow Cleanup
November: Troop 702 Turkey Roast and Campout
November: Pack Hike
December: New England Air Museum Overnight
January: Indoor Rock Climbing
January: Winter Camp Fire
February: Pinewood Derby
February: Scout Sunday
February/March: Sledding Night
March: Blue and Gold Banquet
April: Wood End Cleanup and Pack Campfire
April: Pack Campout
May: March in Memorial Day parade
June: Pack Campout
July: Lowell Spinners Overnight


Check Scoutbook for Dates and Times

© 2023 Cub Scout Pack 702 - Reading, MA - Spirit of Adventure

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