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Be a Part of the Adventure!


Note: Pack 702 draws from Birch Meadow and Wood End Schools.

If you attend another school, please click here to find your school's pack.

Step One

Pack 702 Local Registration

Step Two

Pay the Pack 702 annual dues

Choose the appropriate amount and click "Add to Cart" 



Class A Uniform for all ranks, including Lions, consists of:

Cub Scout Button-Down Uniform Shirt

Rank-Appropriate Neckerchief (Provided by Pack)

Neckerchief Slide (Pack provides “woggle”-style slides made of parachute cord)

Cub Scout Cap (by rank)

Cub Scout Belt (Grades K-3 earn metal “belt loop” awards that fit this particular belt)

Official scout uniform pants are optional. Navy blue pants or shorts are recommended (or green for Webelos)


Class B Uniform is the Pack T-shirt which each scout is issued


“Uniform of the Day” for Cub Scout Events, unless otherwise specified, is the Class A Uniform with the Class B shirt underneath. 


The Adult Leader’s Uniform consists of the tan button down shirt with appropriate insignia. Den leaders and Assistant Den Leaders should be in uniform. The Pack will issue Pack t-shirts to adult leaders.


In addition to the uniform, scouts will need the handbook for their rank (grade level). 


A scout is thrifty and conservation-minded. Upon rank advancement, or if you leave scouting, please consider handing down rank-specific uniform pieces and gently used books to a younger scout you know or donating it back to the den or pack so we can reuse it. IF your scout leaves scouting and doesn’t want their belt loops or pins, wait a little while for them to change their mind, then please consider donating the materials back. Thank you.


The Scout Shop Is located at 2 Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801; (781) 937-4282; 

M-F 9:30-6; Sat 9-3

The Scout Shop is where you buy:


Button-down shirt with insignia

Rank cap

Grade-level handbook

Cub Scout belt

Cub Scout Uniform Pants (optional)

All kinds of other cool stuff* 

© 2023 Cub Scout Pack 702 - Reading, MA - Spirit of Adventure

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